Giraffes, Context, and a Diversity of Voices - Part 2

After the US men’s soccer team beat Ghana in last year’s World Cup, Delta Airlines posted the above photo on Twitter.

Cue twitter backlash pointing out the fact that giraffes do not live in Ghana.

As a result of this incident, Delta was accused of being everything from laughably naive to blatantly racist.  I don’t know what Delta's intent was in posting the photo, nor do I have intimate knowledge of their internal process for vetting social media posts. I do know that it was ignorant, offensive to many people, damaging to their brand, and completely avoidable. 

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Caleb DeanComment
The Death Star... and your Organization

According to Neil deGrasse Tyson, the Death Star is an accurate representation of how to blow up a planet. He explained the science of it during an episode of his podcast, Star Talk, when asked if it could be used by a listener, to say... blow up Mars.

Hypothetically, yes. Planets are essentially a collection of mass held together by some amount of energy. The Death Star works by generating its own energy then infusing it into a planet. If more energy than the amount that is holding all of that mass together is infused into the planet too quickly - boom. That’s the simple science of an explosion. 

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Caleb Dean Comment
Why Leadership should be a Core Discipline of Every Creative Firm - Part 1

Have you ever experienced a time when your team felt cohesive and strong and you were producing incredible work? Have you ever experienced a time when you felt like your ideas weren’t being considered, there was conflict, and your creative output suffered?

Whether you work in a global agency or a small independent studio, whether you write code, pitch new business, design, develop strategy, or manage projects - you are constantly negotiating your time, your attention, and your ideas - all with the purpose of delivering value to your client.

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Four Things that Emerging Leaders Must Define

There is a new generation of leaders emerging. They are young, energized and enthusiastic, yet often struggle to find their professional path in today’s challenging economy. We need them— developing new leaders is critical for every cause and every corporation. A strong culture and practice of leadership allows organizations to adapt to new challenges, innovate and grow.

Rather than something that is bestowed upon employees or treated as a “reward” for good work, leadership must be cultivated throughout every level of the organization as a discipline and as a practice. Leadership is possible from any seat— whether you are a sales clerk or a CEO. We define the practice of leadership as: developing a deep understanding of yourself, your relationships, and the system in which you operate in order to positively influence what’s around you. A leader’s influence must not only serve his or herself but must serve those they work with and the system in which they work. The Personal Leadership Canvas is a tool to facilitate this practice.

It’s important for emerging leaders to develop their sense of self, their worldview, their moral compass, and imagine what’s possible-- and for this, there are four things that emerging leaders must define.

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Caleb DeanComment
Three Businesses We Love

"No business is an island” said John Donne… or something like that. The work we do at Owl Fox & Dean is truly made possible by a variety of local businesses that literally and figuratively fuel our minds, bodies and souls. We thought it was only fitting to share them with you, since they’re just too great to keep to ourselves.

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Emily KanterComment
Cambridge Local First Workshop

Caleb will be in the Boston area in early May to attend the MIT Sustainability Summit and lead a workshop hosted by Cambridge Local First. The workshop, The Practice of Leadership: Essential Tools for Resilient Small Businesses will introduce participants to some of the methods that Caleb uses in helping organizations across a wide range of sectors develop leadership capacity. It will be held on May 6th from 9:00am – 12pm at the CLF Conference Room (99 Bishop Allen Drive, Cambridge Ma 02139).

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Emily KanterComment
The Power of 'What'

Have you ever been asked why something happened and not known where to begin? Or did it trigger you to respond defensively? 

One core principle we teach to our clients and practice daily is the power of questions that start with 'what'. 

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Caleb Dean Comments
The Origin of Species: Three Businesses We Love with Animal Names

We often get questions about the origin of our name; Owl, Fox & Dean is definitely unique. We love being asked, though, it’s a wonderful way to start a conversation.

In the winter of 2013, Caleb Dean took a trip to the Oregon Coast to spend two days alone, brainstorming what could be. He recognized that there is an incredible amount of work to be done in the world and knew that he could not do it alone. In lieu of immediate [human] partners, Caleb crafted a name that spoke to the spirit of his company and the collective he wanted to build. The Owl is wise and the Fox is cunning, and we have grown Owl, Fox & Dean with these elements in mind.

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Emily KanterComment